A draft of a report prepared on the integration of electric transportation in Pacific Island Countries, with a particular focus on Fiji and The Solomon Islands as case studies.
Outlines the broad picture and guiding principles which should inform the planning and implementation of sustainable transport services.
A summary of the more extensive report prepared on electromobility in the Pacific Island States, which looked at Fiji and The Solomon Islands as case studies.
A detailed tentative schedule of events for the week of the Clean Transport Expo to be held in November at USP.
A detailed list of over 100 potential attendees for the Clean Transport Expo, including vehicle manufacturers, battery and fuel/charging stations manufacturers, road & sustainable infrastructure manufacturers, and sustainable transport service providers.
A cabinet memorandum including background on the proposal for the Clean Transport Expo, a budget proposal, the need to transition the transportation sector, and exposition details.
A budget submission letter submitted to the Ministry of Economy in 2017 with fiscal details regarding the implementation of electric vehicle charging stations in Fiji.
A chart comparing the predicted maintenance costs of diesel and electric buses over the course of a month, year, 5 years, and 6 years.
A presentation overviewing the goals, themes, partners, and potential attendees for the Clean Transport Expo at USP in November 2018.
This GIZ technical paper overviews corruption and its dangers in the land transportation sectors of developing countries. It includes information on what corruption is, how to detect it, how to prevent it, and other general assessment tools.
A consultation draft of the global macro-roadmap seeking to implement the Paris agreement, all of which aims at net-zero emission transport.
This report is the result of a 2-day project development workshop conducted as a requirement by Global Environment Facility for the development of a project on land transportation: Promotion of Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in the Pacific Islands.
An official agreement between The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management; The Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources; The Ministry of Local Government, Housing and Environment; and Fiji Roads Authority to undertake a series of road upgrading projects in the central division.
An official agreement between The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management; The Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources; The Ministry of Local Government, Housing and Environment; and Fiji Roads Authority to undertake a series of road upgrading projects in the eastern division.
An official agreement between The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management; The Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources; The Ministry of Local Government, Housing and Environment; and Fiji Roads Authority to undertake a series of road upgrading projects in the northern division.
An official agreement between The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management; The Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources; The Ministry of Local Government, Housing and Environment; and Fiji Roads Authority to undertake a series of road upgrading projects in the western division.
A spreadsheet of the number of newly registered vehicles between the years 2001-2015 for vehicles in the categories of: private car, taxi, rental and hire cars, goods vehicles, buses, government vehicles, carriers, and other vehicles.
A spreadsheet of casualty data organized by collision type (e.g. head on, rear end, object on road, hit pedestrian, etc.) and collision class (pedestrian, car, heavy goods vehicle, bicycle, etc.) for the years 2006-2012.
A spreadsheet of the number of vehicles imported from various countries to Fiji from 2010-2013 organized by vehicle type/category.
A spreadsheet of the number of vehicles imported from various countries to Fiji from 2014-2015 organized by vehicle type/category.
A list of the costs of various fees and offences for the LTA of Suva, Fiji.
This report explores the adverse affects of vehicle window tinting on traffic safety and the efficacy of law enforcement.
This presentation estimates the effects of pavement conditions on fuel consumption, tire wear, and repair and maintenance costs.
This report documents the findings of the Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) project team during their assessment of urban infrastructure investment needs of the Greater Suva Area.
Eight appendices on the assessment of sustainable urban transport in the Greater Suva Area, including governance and government strategic plans, project costs, financial and economic issues, and institutional capacity assessment.
This report presents the results and recommendations of a pre-Feasibility Study into the urban development priorities in the Greater Suva Area of Fiji.
This Cities Development Initiative for Asia study prepared a 5-Year Medium Term Infrastructure Investment Program covering eight priority projects in four sectors, namely: urban transport, drainage and flood management, wastewater management, and solid waste management.
This paper reviews and interprets existing literature that evaluates the economic benefits of bicycle facilities and suggests strategies for evaluating economic benefits in future work.
This report describes methods for evaluating the benefits and costs of active transport: walking, cycling, and their variants, also called non-motorized and human-powered travel.
This report presents methodologies and tools to estimate the cost of various bicycle facilities and for evaluating their potential value and benefits.
A presentation of various bicycle access and parking methods, the infrastructure requirements, and costs/benefits of each.
This paper summarizes the major points that were raised during a forum between the National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity (NCPPA) and the National Foundation of Fitness, Sports and Nutrition. It outlines how the NCPPA and public health advocates can frame policy work around physical activity promotion to make the case that transforming surrounding environments to promote active living is a worthy investment.
This is the report following the LifeCycle Fiji stakeholder meeting at which the Land Transport Authority recommended a baseline cycling survey to demographically determine public interest in cycling, current commuter practices, and recommendations for bicycle infrastructural development.
This paper reports the results of a study of a cohort of cyclists to determine their speed and acceleration characteristics relative to gradient and other influencing factors in order to supply data for planners, designers and appraisers of cycle infrastructure schemes.
In response to tsunami victims in Sri Lanka, the World Bicycle Relief, in partnership with World Vision, distributed 24,376 bicycles in tsunami affected areas in an attempt to rehabilitate people's lives and livelihoods. These preliminary findings represent the results of a quantitative and qualitative study implemented by World Vision and TANGO international on behalf of the World Bicycle Relief.
This report concludes that entrepreneurship is the key element for the growth of the firm and even a labour-intensive or non-high-technology industry can be selected as a development strategy.
This paper examines the End-of-Life-Vehicles (ELV) policies implemented in Germany, Japan, Sweden, the Netherlands, and United Kingdom. It presents the context in which these policies were created, and highlights aspects of the policies.
This study aims to examine the characteristics and effectiveness of legislative systems for ELV recycling in several countries and regions. It also intends to discuss the future development of ELV recycling systems by reviewing the characteristics of automobile shredding residues and existing techniques for the 3Rs.
This research describes a smart dismantling monitoring system and smart trolley system which have been developed for an ELV recycling center.
The purpose of this paper is to achieve a strategic approach to funding environmental flows in a sequence-focused vision, which allows the training and use of all funding sources feasible in an industrial economy centered on the regeneration of environmental resources.
This paper proposes policy, technical, and business recommendations to improve the reuse, recycling, and recovery (RRR) rate of ELVs. A comparative analysis between the UK and Japan is undertaken, in which the two countries' background is described along with their RRR performance from a lifecycle perspective.
The aim of this paper is to: 1) explore categories and types of product life-cycle information available for remanufacturing; 2) identify constraints for efficient product life-cycle information flow via remanufacturing; and 3) propose initiatives to facilitate product life-cycle information flow via remanufacturing.
This paper deals with the recycling of end-of-life vehicles (ELV) in the European Union, addressing current ELV recycling and future approaches.
This paper presents the findings based on literature review, discussion with experts and academician on automobile use in Malaysia, ELVs management strategy, ELVs management system, sustainability consideration, and ELVs management limitations.
A survey distributed to Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) which covers vital information on scrap metal management.
This study aims to estimate the incidence and demographic characteristics associated with road traffic injuries (RTIs) resulting in death or hospital admission for 12 hours or more in Viti Levu, Fiji.
This is a systematic review and critical appraisal of the relevant epidemiological literature between January 1980 and December 2010, using key search strings for incidence and aetiological studies focusing on road traffic injuries (RTIs) in less resourced Pacific countries.
An economic assessment of transport infrastructure and policies in relation to walking and cycling specifically.
This study gives general as well as country-specific policy advice to decision-makers at the European and the national level on how to create a level playing field for all modes of transport throughout Europe, including those —like cycling—which have a positive impact on the environment and public health.
This draft blueprint document has been structured around 10 chapters, each describing the status quo of cycling in relevant policy fields and EU policy, policy recommendations for the EU, and EU added value.
This report is the first overview of incentives for e-cycling in Europe, showing that numerous countries, regions, and local authorities in Europe have already realised that promoting electric bikes through grants is a very cost-effective way to achieve the decarbonisation of the transport system.
This brochure summarizes the unprecedented challenges and opportunities in the transport sector, and Global Environment Facility's strategy and achievements for sustainable transport and urban systems.
This publication is a result of a review of 65 sustainable transport community projects funded by the Global Environmental Facility Small Grants Programme. It documents lessons and experiences which demonstrate that community initiatives play an important role in testing new approaches, raising awareness of new ideas, piloting innovative strategies, and informing and stimulating policy dialogue in a cost-effective way.
This paper is a literature review on public acceptability of transport measures. It identifies some of the difficulties faced in achieving this acceptability, and focuses on identifying positive ways forward.
This analysis should provide the foundation for improving public sector operations, private sector participation, and regional cooperation. The overall goal of the project is to develop consensus on ways to improve the efficiency of regional transportation services in the Pacific region.
The main goal of this paper is to contribute in understanding and diffusion of knowledge concerning the foundation of long-term value network holistic strategy by vertical integration through critical strategic alliances and supportive advanced planning and design of the process to interfirm unification. The main question is how the transport system analysis and policies can transform the today small islands "location disadvantages" and backwardness into chances and solutions for sustainable development.
This is the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)'s guide, which has been organized to analyze the street from multiple perspectives, from the bird's eye view to the granular details. This overview is the first product in the development of a design guide for urban streets.
This report aims to assist the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and its implementing agencies in achieving the objective of "promotion of energy efficient, low-carbon transport and urban systems" during the GEF-5period.
These guidelines provide the rationale for considering the needs and aspirations of children and youth with respect to how communities are planned and the policies that influence the travel of young people.
This research project studied garbage and recycling programs and the bus transportation systems in Curitiba, Brazil. The continual success of the city of Brazil in achieving sustainability goals is attributed to new programs, advancements in technology, and education of the younger generation to ensure processes previously implemented are continued.
This report describes the epidemiology of childhood injuries resulting in death or hospital admission in Fiji using a population-based registry. The findings support the need for a national strategy that builds capacity and mobilises resources to prevent childhood injuries in Fiji.
This report carries the results of a study on the insurance industry in Fiji, focusing particularly on consumer protection. The study examined the following aspects of the industry, among others: the current legislations that govern the operations of insurance policies in Fiji; current policies, terms & conditions of each package provided by various insurance companies in life, health, travel, third party, vehicle, home content, and housing insurance; and policy changes that are required in insurance legislation to safeguard consumer interests.
The aim of this paper is to present an overview of estimates contained int he empirical literature on the economic valuation of statistical life in road safety.
Injury is an important public health problem that disproportionately affects young males in Fiji, with a high proportion of deaths prior to hospital presentation. This study highlights key areas requiring priority attention to reduce the burden of potentially life-threatening injuries in Fiji.
This paper demonstrates the widespread use of the concept of a value of a statistical life (VSL) and summarizes the major issues, both theoretical and empirical, that must be confronted in order to provide a credible estimate of a VSL.
The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MoHMS) Annual Report covers hospital services, pharmaceutical and biomedical services, public health services, administration and finances, health information research and analysis, and health statistics, amongst other categories.
Despite its prima facie callousness, determining the value of a human life is necessary for good public policy.
This study shows that if levels of cycling in the EU-27 were equivalent to those found in Denmark, bicycle use would help achieve 12 to 26% of the 2050 target reduction set for the transport sector, depending on which transport mode the bicycle replaces.
This paper presents a number of meta-analysis of the value of a statistical life in stated preferences surveys, and is an input to a technical report and a user's guide for policy makers on the use of VSL values in policy assessments that is being prepared.
This report's aim is to take stock of how evolving technologies and trends could shape the use of commercial vehicles in the future, how they might help the sector meet the EU's ambitious CO2 emissions reduction goals for 2050, and how these measures might have positive cross-over benefits for improving road safety and operational efficiency.
To provide insight into the relative feasibility of global decarbonization scenarios, this report examines 17 scenarios constructed using a diverse range of techniques and introduces a set of empirical benchmarks that can be applied to compare and assess the pace of energy system transformation entailed by each scenario.
This document compiles information on the development of electric mobility with regard to market trend reports; official targets by countries, cities, and companies; and industry plans. This document is a work-in-progress and will be expanded with additional narrative and data on e-mobility.
A list of landed cost of vehicles imported in Fiji from July to September 2016.
Various statistics from the Land Transport Authority, including: vehicle renewal, vehicle new registration, provisional license issuance, and license renewal.
Joy examines the factors which small island nations in the Pacific could consider measuring as indicators when monitoring and reporting on the sustainability of supply chain management practices and specifically logistics. A theoretical framework is derived from a review of appropriate literature to guide the research, which employs a case study methodology. The case study provides a cross sectional view of the reporting environment for early 2015, focused on the small island developing states (SIDS) that are members of the Pacific Islands Forum.
The scope of this thesis ranges from a focused analysis upon daily commuter behavior of students and employees in and around the city, to the macroeconomic contributions to, and impacts upon, the nation made by the transport sector. These elements are accompanied by a sectoral analysis of land transport stakeholders at an institutional level, supplemented by perceptions of transport stakeholders and professionals through their opinions on various land transport issues. These contributions are coupled with an exploration of opportunities for incentives to improve performance and efficiency of land transport in Fiji
This paper reviews the Framework for Action on Transport Services (FATS) since its endorsement in 2011 by the Pacific Transport Ministers. National surveys reveal that value has been added to the National Transport Sector, however Regional Surveys reveal a high-level of disengagement amongst the CROP Agencies. The review provides a number of recommendations to improve CROP agency alignment such as an improved financial tracking of expenses, and improving links with the Pacific Regional Infrastructure Facility.
Guided by ADB’s Strategy 2030 and Pacific Approach, operations in the Pacific transport sector seek to (i) prepare for and respond to shocks, (ii) deliver sustainable services, and (iii) support inclusive growth inall of the Pacific DMCs. The region’s unique geography, sociopolitical structures, and economic context require a specialized approach to designing and implementing projects. ADB’s operations in the Pacifictransport sector build on 5 decades of experience supporting unique regional circumstances.
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