Pacific Islands in the IMO

Since RMI’s call in 2016 for IMO to take action on GHG emissions reduction from ships, Fiji, Kiribati, RMI, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and more recently Samoa and Papua New Guinea have been actively collaborating in IMO MEPC and ISWG GHG meetings. It is widely acknowledged that the Pacific has been instrumental in pushing progress in the IMO on GHG emissions reduction.

Tuvalu intervention

Pacific Island delegations have been reaching out to other IMO members active in the GHG emissions reduction debate, and an informal coalition of IMO member states, particularly High Ambition Coalition members has developed.  This coalition is focused on dialogue and information sharing, as well as co-sponsoring papers.  The coalition is working hard to reach out to more IMO members.

Pacific & Caribbean IMO delegations meeting July 2017

Support to Pacific Island IMO Delegations

Pacific Islands Development Forum is actively engaged in discussions on IMO GHG emissions reduction work, hosting regional talanoa and briefing sessions as well as providing outreach through its membership. GHG emissions from ships has been one of PIDF’s top priority issue since 2013. PIDF have taken the lead in regional outreach, facilitating a series of public talanoa, side events, meetings as well as a Pacific Position Paper on the issue.

USP and UCL have been providing technical support to the Pacific delegations and coordination with other IMO members.  To date this has been resourced by USP and UCL. This technical support includes related research and analysis, briefings, meeting facilitation, coordination with other IMO members, drafting support for IMO submissions, and coordination of Pacific delegations' participation in IMO meetings. Financial assistance for travel for some delegations (flights, accommodation and per diems) has been generously provided by the EU through funding allocated to the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat for Pacific participation In international forums from EDF10 SPRAO. France provides financial support to Fiji’s delegation to IMO GHG meetings, Netherlands to Tonga, and more recently Belgium to Solomon Islands.

As Pacific participation has to be maintained throughout the Roadmap until at least 2023 when the final IMO Strategy is to be adopted, on-going technical support and resourcing is needed.  To try and enable this, a "buddy" approach has been initiated by USP, partnering Pacific Island States with European States.  The purpose of this "buddy" concept is to build capacity of Pacific Island government delegations, as well as raising awareness with those outside of the region on the particular challenges faced in the Pacific. To date partnerships have been formalised through bilateral agreements between Fiji & France, Tonga & Netherlands, and Solomon Islands & Belgium (see also above). The RMI and Germany partnership is one example of this. Tuvalu and Kiribati are also exploring potential for similar agreements with UK and Sweden respectively.

This type of support can be extended to other Pacific Island government delegations over time and as funding allows, including Palau, and Vanuatu, to enable them to become more actively engaged in the GHG emissions reduction work of the IMO.

Fiji Intervention

Fiji Intervention

RMI Intervention

Samoa Intervention

Tonga Intervention

Solomon Islands Intervention

Tuvalu Intervention


Pacific Sponsored Submissions

New Updates

  1. C 122-9-1 (Chile et al) Trust Fund
  2. ISWG GHG 3-2-4 Marshalls et al
  3. ISWG GHG 3-2-9 Belgium et al
  4. ISWG GHG 4-2-3 Anitgua et al
  5. ISWG GHG 7-2-11 Solomons and Tonga IA uncertainties proposal
  6. ISWG-GHG 7-2-10 - Defining the needs of Pacific SIDS Mexico Solomon Islands
  7. MEPC 72-7-7 France RMI
  8. MEPC 74-7-11 Trust Fund RMI
  9. MEPC 74-7-12 Future working arrangements Kiribati et al
  10. MEPC 74-7-13 Draft Assembly resolution Kiribati et al
  11. MEPC 75-7-13 Commenting Paper on ICS et al MEPC 75-7-4

Previous Documents

  1. ISWG GHG 1-2-2 Marshall Islands & Solomon Islands
  2. ISWG-GHG 1-2-12 - Possible emissions scenarios and a method for quantifying an emissions pathway for shippin... (Belgium, Denmark, France,...)
  3. ISWG GHG 2-2-12 Belgium et al
  4. ISWG GHG 2-3 Kiribati et al
  5. MEPC 68-5-1 - Setting a reduction target and agreeing associated measures for international shipping (Marshall Islands)
  6. MEPC 69-7-2 - International shipping's share in international efforts to limit the rise of global averag... (Belgium, France, Germany,...)
  7. MEPC 70-7-6 - International shipping's share in international efforts to limit the rise of global averag... (Antigua and Barbuda, Belgium...)
  8. MEPC 70-7-13 - International shipping's share in international efforts to limit the rise of global averag... (Antigua & Barbuda, Belgium...)
  9. MEPC 71-7-3 - The need for a high level of ambition within the comprehensive IMO strategy on reduction o... (Marshall Islands and Solomon Islands...)
  10. MEPC 71-7-7 - Possible emissions scenarios and a method for quantifying an emissions pathway for shippin... (Belgium, Denmark, France,...)
  11. MEPC 71-INF.35 - A scientific study on possible reduction targets and their associated pathways (Belgium, Denmark, France,...)

Pacific Statements & Media

  1. Fiji statement MEPC71 Agenda 7 GHG emissions
  2. Kiribati statement MEPC71 Agenda 7 GHG emissions
  3. PIDF Press release Sept 2017 coal shipping emissions
  4. RMI Minister Halferty IMO intervention
  5. RMI Press Statement
  6. RMI statement MEPC71 Agenda 7 GHG emissions
  7. Shipping can’t follow Trump’s lead and slow-steam on climate change TradeWinds
  8. Solomon Islands statement MEPC71 Agenda 7 GHG emissions
  9. Tuvalu Statement MEPC71 Agenda 7 GHG emissions