Alison Newell MCIEEM C.Env

Alison Newell MCIEEM C.Env

Alison has been involved in sustainable sea transport for much of her professional career. She has lived on board a wooden sailing boat with her family for over 20 years, 15 spent in the Pacific Islands, and worked on commercial sailing vessels before that.  Alison was one of the original Sustainable Sea Transport Research Programme team and has been involved in research and education in the Pacific for over a decade.  Having worked as a commercial captain on wind-powered vessels in the Pacific, and now based on her boat in Aotearoa, she has many sea miles under her belt.

As a core team member of MCST in the past, Alison now provides support to the team when required. She's published and presented widely on shipping decarbonisation and has been heavily involved in the IMO facing GHG emissions reduction work.  Alison has also undertaken research and analysis of Pacific domestic shipping, including maritime data collection, GHG emissions mitigation analyses, NDC investment roadmaps for maritime transport, and priority project pipelines and concepts.  She has also secured financial support for MCST and Pacific Island governments for both domestic and international facing projects and programmes, including the Low Carbon Sea Transport project and IMO GHG emissions reduction work.