Background material

There are an increasing number of papers and reports giving background, analysis and insight of relevance to the high-level policy discussions in the IMO on GHG emissions reduction. A selection of key papers/presentations are provided here. Others that are related to a specific meeting or that have been submitted to an IMO meeting are available under the relevant IMO meeting tabs.

Background Documents:

  1. Bodansky & OConnor (2016) Regulating GHG the role of the IMO
  2. Danish Shipowners Association (2017) Navigating in a low carbon future
  3. Larkin, Smith & Wrobel (2016) Shipping in Changing Climates
  4. Lloyds Register (2016) Low Carbon Pathways 2050
  5. MEPC 70 Analysis and Summary of Agenda 7 Reduction of GHG emissions
  6. PIDF (2017) Shipping Talanoa 3 Aug Report
  7. PIDF (2017) UCL presentation Shipping GHG Emissions - The Debate in IMO 3 Aug 2017
  8. PIDF Briefing papers 1-2016
  9. PIDF Briefing papers 2-2016
  10. PIDF Briefing papers 3-2016
  11. PIDF Briefing papers 4-2016
  12. PIDF Briefing papers 5-2016
  13. PIDF Briefing papers 6-2016
  14. PIDF Briefing papers 7-2016
  15. PIDF Flyer - Talanoa on Shipping GHG Shipping Emissions
  16. PIDF Pacific Position Paper on Shipping Emissions DRAFT FOR CIRCULATION
  17. Prakash et al (2016) Revealed preferences for energy efficiency in shipping markets
  18. Raucci et al. (2017) Navigating decarbonisation an approach to evaluate shipping’s risks and opportunities
  19. Rehmatulla and Calleya (2016) The implementation of technical energy efficiency measures in shipping
  20. Rehmatulla and Smith (2015) Barriers to energy efficiency in shipping
  21. Smith and Rehmatulla (2015) CO2 emission targets for shipping
  22. Smith et al (2014 )Third IMO GHG Study 2014 Executive Summary and Report
  23. Smith et al (2015a) CO2 targets, trajectories and trends for international shipping
  24. Smith et al (2015b) The Existing Shipping Fleet's CO2 Efficiency
  25. Smith et al. (2016) CO2 emissions from international shipping. Possible reduction targets and their...
  26. UMAS (2017) Navigating Decarbonisation - An approach to evaluate shipping's risks and opportunities associated with climate change mitigation policy
  27. UNCTAD (2016) Review of Maritime Transport
  28. WMO (2016) Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2016

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