Gavin Allwright

Gavin Allwright

Gavin has been Secretary general of the International Windship Association (IWSA) since it was established in 2014. This not-for-profit grouping of maritime wind propulsion companies and projects supported by academia & NGO’s is working to promote and facilitate the uptake of wind propulsion solutions in commercial shipping. He sits on the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres (MTCC) stakeholder’s advisory committee and is a non-executive board member of the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA).

Gavin has presented and chaired numerous international fora including the Royal Institute of Naval Architect’s (RINA) Shipping Efficiency & Wind Propulsion conferences and led the team that organised the ground-breaking Ambition 1.5C: Global Shipping’s Action Plan summit at COP23 in Bonn, Germany

He is an advisor on a number of EU and international research projects, including: WASP, WiSP, VTAS and Decarbonising UK Freight. Gavin holds a Masters degree in Sustainable Development, specialising in small scale sustainable shipping and logistics in developing countries and has contributed to numerous studies on alternative propulsion solutions and most recently contributed as an expert reviewer to the IPCC Special Report on 1.5C Global Warming.