This publication identifies the projects in the transport sector supported by ADB and its development partners in the Pacific region since 2013.
Pg. 2 : ADB expects to maintain a prominent role in Pacific transport infrastructure investments while supporting efforts to expand capacity and institutional and policy reform. Building on prior achievements, the pipeline of ADB transport projects for 2014–2016 totals about $484 million. This includes proposed support for road and bridge rehabilitation in PNG, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, and Vanuatu; port development in the Federated States of Micronesia, PNG, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste and Vanuatu; and airport improvements in PNG. This update describes each country’s portfolio of transport projects, and technical assistance, under implementation in 2013
Volume 3 presents Oceanic Voyages: Shipping in the Pacific Region, the full report of the results of detailed study and analysis of the Pacific shipping sector, including case studies of selected Pacific Developing Member Countries of Asian Development Bank. Each sector volume examines international and regional trends, and regional characteristics and components, influencing sector development. Strategy and policy options available to Pacific island governments to facilitate change are assessed. Specific recommendations are provided for appropriate policies and strategies for improvement of sector efficiency and effectiveness
Representatives from the Pacific region and ADB developed the TA concept at a workshop on trade facilitation held in Fiji in April 2013. aligned with ADB’s Strategy 2020, and ADB’s Pacific Approach 2010–2014, which call for improved connectivity for regional integration...
This report covers six Pacific Region Countries: Fiji,
Improving seaport infrastructure and trade practices can reduce the cost of goods and services and improve the quality of life for communities across the Pacific. This study reviews trade patterns and provides recommendations on regional approaches to help address shared constraints such as climate change and exposure to external shocks. It looks at how trade flows in the Pacific are changing, how growth will affect seaport operations and shipping services, and how trade efficiency can be improved.
Asian Development Bank Policy Brief, The Monitor provides an update of developments in Pacific economies and explores topical policy issues.
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