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UNCTAD 2014 Small Island Developing States: Challenges in Transport, Trade and Logistics

This paper highlights some of the key challenges in transport and trade logistics facing SIDS and identifies areas of potential action with a view to meeting these challenges and explores potential opportunities.







Cantu-Bazaldua F 2021 Remote but well connected? Neighboring but isolated? Measuring Remoteness in the Context of SIDS. Research pp 67

Abstract: Remoteness is one of the main challenges for small island developing States (SIDS). However, this term is commonly used in a narrow sense, referring only to geographical distance from markets resulting in higher transportation costs. This paper argues that remoteness is a broader concept, also involving distance to financing sources and political centers. In addition, it can be aggravated or attenuated by connectivity in transportation networks or through political and cultural linkages. Moreover, with the growing weight of the digital economy, issues of access and performance of information and communication technologies gain a higher importance. The paper proposes six dimensions to study remoteness, as well as available indicators for measuring them. This expanded study of remoteness identifies areas that can be prioritized through targeted investments and appropriate policies for helping SIDS overcome the challenges of geography.

