Pacific Island Leaders call for the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement to limit global average temperature increase to below 1.5⁰C above pre-industrial levels in order to transition towards deep decarbonization and other
A GIZ study on the potential for electric transport infrastructure and systems in the Caribbean Islands.
A pdf featuring a broad overview of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, including basic statistics, information on economy, energy, transportation, and stakeholders, and opportunities for development.
An abridged summary of the GIZ Study investigating the potential for electric transportation infrastructure and systems in the Caribbean Islands.
A broad overview of the city of Lviv, Ukraine, including basic stats, information on energy, transportation, stakeholders, and opportunities/barriers to implementation of green systems.
PIDF Talanoa June 2018: What made it into the Initial IMO GHG Strategy and what didn’t. Priorities for ISWG GHG 4 and MEPC 73.
This paper provides background for the PIDF hosted Pacific Maritime Technical Officers Workshop 7-9 February 2018.
Ms. Isabelle Rojon, a Research Associate at University College London (UCL) was a guest speaker at this talanoa, presenting on shipping sector GHG emissions. UCL has been looking at evidence of recent trends in shipping efficiency and emissions, as well as researching on how the future of shipping emissions look globally and in the Pacific. In 2014, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between UCL and the University of the South Pacific (USP) and they have been working together to answer fundamental questions such as (i) what will it take for the shipping industry to decarbonize and (ii) what will the fuel mix and propulsion technology look like?
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