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Renewable energy opportunities and challenges in the Pacific Islands region - Republic of Marshall Islands

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) publication on Renewable energy opportunities and challenges in the Pacific Islands region - Republic of Marshall Islands.


IRENA_RRA_Marshall Islands_2015-2

Renewable energy is the future of clean energy and the bona fide alternative to fossil fuels. It will be essential to reduce poverty, improve health conditions, safeguard the environment and stimulate socio-economic development. Such a future, however, is not preordained. It must be strategically supported by a framework that is sustainable, affordable and accessible to all.


MV Kwajalein - Principal Particulars

MV Kwajalein Principal Particulars


Pacific Regional Energy Assessment 2004 - Marshall Islands National Report Vol 6

An Assessment of the Key Energy Issues, Barriers to the Development of Renewable Energy to Mitigate Climate Change, and Capacity Development Needs for Removing the Barriers


Marshall Islands National Report to the World Summit on Sustainable Development 2001 - RIO +10

Marshall Islands National Report to the World Summit on Sustainable Development 2001 - RIO +10


Majuro Declaration for Climate Leadership

Majuro Declaration for Climate Leadership








JICA - SPC 2015 Micronesian shipping profiles. JICA SPC 2015 Supporting Safe, Efficient and Sustainable Maritime Transport Systems in North Pacific Countries Improving Ports and Maritime Shipping

The purpose of this report is to identify and assess key maritime challenges faced by FSM, RMI and Palau, and those common to the sub-region, identify gaps constraining the contribution of the maritime sector to development outcomes, and propose specific sustainable measures and action plans to strengthen port and maritime operations.  This report focuses on three pillars of the maritime sector, namely: (1) institutional arrangements and sector strengthening; (2) port infrastructure and operations; and (3) shipping services (international, intra-regional and domestic) and trade






Zieroth 2004 Coconut Oil as a Fuel in Marshall Islands

A short report on the use of coconut fuel by the Tobolar Copra Processing Authority



MCST Bwebwebnato #4

A series of build up sessions to the IMP MEPC77, November 2021


Jeffery W and Henry R. 2007 Waterworld: The Heritage Dimensions of "Climate Change' in the Pacific

The focus of this paper is particularly on low lying coral islands of the Pacific, such as the outer coral atolls and islands of Chuuk state, in the Federated States of Micronesia. The paper explores the relevance of heritage research to climate science.  (source: Abstract)


Kelen A, Richter-Alten H 2020. Transitioning to Low Carbon Sea Transport (LCST) - Lagoon Transport

...To achieve a significant reduction of GHG emissions in the lagoon shipping sector, the collaboration between WAM and the LCST Project aims to revitalize and build upon the traditional marine capabilities of the Marshallese island communities. Therefore, a comprehensive canoe-building, knowledge transfer, and training program has been implemented at WAM. This program to revitalize canoe-building uses new sustainable lagoon vessel designs, together with traditional canoes, as flagships and the mainstay of future lagoon shipping in the RMI...


MCST 2021 RMI National Transport Consultative Workshop

Agenda. National Transport Consultative Workshop. 15th - 16th December 2021.


MEPC 68 21 5 Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships RMI proposal outcome

Outcomes of the RMI proposal put forward to the IMO MEPC, 68th meeting, 2015.



ADB 2019 Pacific Small Island States Policy Brief

the Marshall Islands’ registry is managed abroad; the United States-based International Registries, Inc. operates the country’s maritime as well as corporate registries
through a wholly owned subsidiary, and every year a portion of its earnings goes to the Government of the Marshall Islands. The amount sent to the government has risen from $1.0 million (equivalent to 0.7% of GDP) in FY2005 to $7.3 million (3.3% of GDP) in FY2018, declining only in FY2010 following the global  financial and economic crisis (Figure 10). However, revenues from fishing license fees have overtaken those from ship registry fees, especially since the regional VDS was implemented in 2012.


NZMFAT 2018 Republic of the Marshall Islands Energy Future. Electricity Roadmap Technical Note 04: GHG Inventory and Electricity Targets

This technical note firstly describes the calculation of an estimate of this fraction, and secondly outlines the impact this has on the required emissions reduction in the electricity sector to achieve these economy-wide targets. This note does not purport to develop a definitive GHG inventory for RMI, but rather has produced an estimated/assumed GHG inventory, and outlines the impact this has on the required emissions reduction in the electricity sector.


Nemra C 2021 4th Conference for Ministers for Transport

Ministerial Speech by the Hon. Casten Nemra of the Republic of Marshall Islands,  advocating for the GHG levy of $100/tonne carbon equivalent and the Pacific Blue Shipping Partnership


Curd J 2018 Republics of the Marshall Islands Transport Fuel Use. Electricity Roadmap Technical Note 04: GHG inventory and Electricity Targets

This document aims to capture the national RMI emissions attributable to the electricity sector (due to combusting diesel for generation). Firstly it describes the calculation of an estimate fraction, and secondly outlines the impact it has on the required emissions reduction in the electricity sector to achieve economy-wide targets.  This resource provides an estimated/assumed GHG inventory. GHG emissions from the RMI electricity sector were estimated to be around 60 GgCO2-e1 in 2010 and 52% of estimated 2010 national GHG emissions. National emissions in 2010 were estimated to be around 116 GgCO2-e in 2010, excluding fishing. Electricity sector emissions were estimated to be around 57 GgCO2-e in 2016 and 47% of estimated 2016 national GHG emissions (2016 was the most recent year of fuel data available).


Miller R.L 2010 WA KUK WA JIMOR: Outrigger Canoes, Social change, and Modern Life in the Marshall Islands

Leah explains that canoe without exception as one of the most important aspects of Marshallese (and Pacific) culture and life. The earliest and most significant of these descriptions are Marshallese jabônkônnaan (proverbs), bwebwenato and in (stories and legends), and Kajin àajeö (Marshallese language). This thesis is an exploration of the state and shape of the Marshallese canoe tradition for Marshallese people today, how and why it has changed over time, and how it articulates with broader Marshallese culture and modern way of life.  


