Pacific Islands Development Forum Position Paper on Shipping Emissions

The Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) has published a Position Paper in regards to Shipping Emissions negotiations taking place at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). The paper is an outcome of the Pacific Maritime Technical Officers Workshop on Shipping Emissions hosted by PIDF in Suva in February.

The IMO is scheduled to deliver an Initial Strategy on international shipping GHG emissions reduction by the 72nd Maritime Environment Protection Committee meeting (MEPC 72) in April 2018. This IMO Initial Strategy will, among other matters, determine the vision and level of ambition, and is expected to include an ‘action plan’ on the development of short-term measures (2018-2023).

The Secretary General of the PIDF, François Martel said that this “paper recognises that failure by the global community to achieve a strong Initial Strategy will likely mean that future efforts from shipping will be insufficient to ensure the world limit temperature rise to 1.50C. The Pacific has been clear on the need that the world limits temperature rise to 1.50C, as also reflected in the Paris Agreement, and for us to do so all sectors need to do their part, including the Maritime transport sector.” 

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