Shipping Sector Emissions - 80th Session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC80)

We, Pacific Elders, deeply concerned with the security impacts of climate change, call upon the International Maritime Organization (IMO), as the UN agency mandated to regulate international shipping, to take meaningful strides in steering the industry towards full decarbonization achieving the 1.5° C targets. We note that the IMO adopted an Initial Strategy for reducing emissions from the sector in 2018 and is expected to adopt a Revised Strategy in early July at the MEPC80.

We would also like to highlight the significance of this meeting for shipping, regional and international trade and climate action generally. The matters under negotiation at MEPC80 will have long-term consequences for our economic and societal futures. As many commentators and experts have noted, MEPC80 is the industry’s last opportunity to secure a 1.5°C aligned pathway. Failure to agree on a Revised Strategy will result in a patchwork of regional measures, further isolating developing countries as decarbonization becomes more expensive, and leave them grappling with the impacts on their small and fragile economies with no assistance or intervention.

Download the press release to read more.