Carbon Revenues from International Shipping: Enabling an Effective and Equitable Energy Transition

Global maritime transport plays a crucial role in facilitating global trade and fostering economic development around the world. At the same time, shipping represents a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Of which, these GHG emissions are expected to grow further under a business-as-usual scenario. In April 2018, the International Maritime Organization officially committed itself to at least halve GHG emissions from ships by 2050 from 2008 levels. Today, more and more maritime stakeholders are calling for full decarbonization by mid-century. This ambitious transition toward zero-carbon shipping can only be achieved effectively and equitably with stringent policy intervention. This webinar will take a deeper look into the prospects of market-based measures to enable and accelerate shipping’s decarbonization. It will set a particular focus on the revenue-raising potential of carbon pricing and the strategic use of carbon revenues for the benefit of an equitable energy transition in the shipping sector and beyond.