MCST's very own pushes for Pacific Islands Proposal at the highest level

16th October - Dr. Peter Nuttall presented to His Excellency, Mr. Zhao Chongjiu, Vice Minister of Transport, China on the two Pacific Proposals - a 100% reduction of GHG by 2050 and a universal GHG Levy on all International Shipping at the 2nd United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Meeting in Beijing, China.  In his 5 minute presentation, under Thematic Session 4: Sustainable transport and green development : Climate Change mitigation, adaptation and resilience, Dr. Nuttall is cautioning the plans by the European Union to introduce an Emissions Trading Scheme that, if implemented, the returns will benefit the European Union capability at the cost of the already vulnerable.  He reminds all for a just transition, championing the Tony Debrum legacy of "leaving none behind".  Watch video here