Cerulean the first new-build low carbon ship in the Pacific

Swire Shipping recently released its three point strategy to commit to reducing its GHG footprint of which one of them is a practical demonstration and commitment to fund the low carbon shipping construction Project Cerulean. This project seeks to build the first low-carbon, low-cost sail-assisted inter-island cargo vessel to serve communities in the Pacific that lack cargo handling infrastructure. They plan to sign the building contract for the pilot vessel of this class by the end of June 2021 and to be completed in 12 months if all goes well.

Swire acknowledges that further reductions in their GHG footprint will require more Technical and Operational (T&O) measures for efforts to becomes technically and financially viable, they believe that the upstream development of the necessary global delivery infrastructure for sustainable low or zero carbon fuels will be expedited if Market Based Measures are introduced that more realistically price our sector’s GHG emissions. Read here for full press release
