E-Motorad, based in Pune, India, has launched an e-cycle that also doubles as an e-bike, finalizing their design in 2020 and establishing a manufacturing facility to produce up to 300 cycles every month. E-Motorad has introduced two types of bikes — EMX and T-Rex — both are suitable for city terrain, as well as uneven terrain customarily tackled by mountain bikes.
The e-cycles are equipped with disc brakes in the front and rear wheel, and dual suspension for extra comfort. The EMX variant has a 36V, 250W rear motor that is powered by a 10.4 AH Samsung lithium-ion battery. The e-cycle can go 45km on a single charge at a maximum speed of 28 km/hr, which also means that the rider does not require a driver’s license.
The T-Rex variant also has similar features in terms of build, brake, and suspension. It is powered by a 36 V 7.8 AH battery and can go 35 km on a single charge.
The battery is detachable so that it can be charged anywhere in under three hours. Both models feature digital screens displaying speed, and an LED light in the front. They operate under three modes: Pedal-assist mode includes pedaling with additional push from the battery; throttle mode, where the e-cycle works as an e-bike, and a pedal mode, where the rider would just have to pedal like they would with a regular bicycle.
The cycles were launched on a pre-booking mode in February 2020 at Rs. 55,000 (~US$750) for the EMX and Rs 45,000 (~US$620) for the T-Rex. By the end of the year, they sold 1,200 pieces, and now, they have also launched a new variation named Karbon, which is a foldable e-cycle. This is notable, as the models are both coming in under the comparable price point for petrol-powered motorbikes utilized in many Pacific Island Countries.
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