World Bank Announces FJ$1b Strategy for Fiji

The World Bank will be providing over $429 million alongside contributions of over $600 million dollars by IFC over the next four years, focusing on supporting Fiji’s recovery from the economic and social impacts of COVID-19, as well as severe Tropical Cyclones Harold and Yasa, and other climate change impacts.

It will be allocated over the following two focus areas:
• Focus Area 1: Fostering Private Sector-led Growth and Inclusive Economic Opportunities – focuses on creating investment and business opportunities; more jobs; improved access to finance; boosting the tourism and agriculture sectors; as well as better infrastructure, digital services and more clean energy.
• Focus Area 2: Building Resilience – includes support to help Fiji gain access to funds both before and after a disaster strikes; improve emergency planning and increase resilient infrastructure; protect the environment and develop a sustainable Blue Economy; strengthen community resilience to climate and public health emergencies; and provide social assistance to help families and businesses that are in critical need.



For additional details, please find the article at the link below: