World's Largest Seaplane Takes Flight in China

With the majority of the Pacific covered in water, China’s new AG600 Kunlong may be of particular interest, as it now qualifies as the largest seaplane in the work.

With development underway since 2009, by July of 2016 it was finished, and first lifted off from Zhuhai airport in December of 2017. It has now successfully taken off and landed on water, trialing in the Yellow Sea near Qingdao in a half-hour test flight. AVIC (Aviation Industry Corporation of China) is hoping to have the plane certified next year with first deliveries beginning in 2022.


At 39' tall, 121' long, with a wingspan of 128', the A600 Kunlong may carry 50 passengers up to 2700 miles with a payload of 53.5 tons. China seeks to provide both cargo and emergency services with the design. The potential military applications are undeniable, with a number of man-made islands in the disputed South China Sea territory, including Mischief Reef and Fiery Cross Reef now able to be serviced with resupply deliveries absent of functional landing strips.