Electric Aviation on the Horizon


Eviation, an Israeli aviation firm, recently revealed an electric plane able to take nine people over 600 miles on a single charge. 

When Val Miftakhov touched down at Cranfield Airport in England last month, his Piper Malibu Mirage six-seater became the first commercial-grade, zero-emission airplane to fly in Europe. The ZeroAvia test flight landing at Cranfield Airport in England last month of a modified 6-seat Piper Malibu Mirage was just 21 miles (34km). It was powered by batteries, but future iterations are expected to utilize hydrogen fuel cells.

ZeroAvia is part of the HyFlyer project, a UK government initiative to decarbonize medium-range small passenger aircraft. The project's final milestone will be a 300-mile test flight from Scotland's Orkney Islands.


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