Protests Emerge in London as IMO Proceedings Begin

The IMO Inter-sessional Working Group On Greenhouse Gas Emissions is now underway, and a series of protests led by Ocean Rebellion have begun outside the IMO office. Protestors were also witnessed outside the Panama Embassy, joined by performers from Apocalypse Theatrics.

The Wakashio oil spill in Mauritius was referenced as an example of Panama not properly taking responsibility for vessels flagged to its registry.

Projections on the walls of the Japanese Embassy also addressed the, “complicity in the lack of legislation to protect the environment”, according to the report.

Further, a spokesperson for Ocean Rebellion stated, “Our demand is simple: Get ships off fossil fuels, to prevent repeated negligent fossil fuel spills, protect people’s livelihoods, protect precious marine environments, and to protect our climate from fossil-fuelled breakdown.”

For additional details and images from the protest, please visit the link below: